Max Publishing is a leading business to business publishing house with over 25 years heritage. With a range of market-leading titles across all core product areas, each magazine acts as a central voice to its sector.

Progressive Preschool
Progressive Preschool is a specialist cross-category trade magazine aimed at 0 to 5 years age range market. Published 6 times per year, It was launched in recognition of retail changing for this particular sector, with retail being aimed at children’s product more cross category. It reaches an enviable circulation across toy, nursery, gift, apparel, publishing, and licensing.

Progressive Greetings Worldwide
Progressive Greetings Worldwide is the industry ‘Bible’ for the billion pound plus UK greeting card industry. It is widely read by everyone involved in both the publishing and retailing of greeting cards. Published every month with subscribers in 50 countries around the globe, Progressive Greetings is a totally editorially-led publication, packed full of hard hitting news, industry issues and new product developments.

Progressive Party Europe
Progressive Party Europe magazine is the ‘trusted read’ for everyone involved in the party industry – retailers, suppliers and licensors. Published six times a year, Progressive Party Europe has its finger on the pulse of the party industry, covering news and views of both retailers and suppliers involved in balloons, dress-up and party-ware.

Progressive Gifts & Home
Progressive Gifts & Home is the undisputed ‘number one read’ for gift retailers and gift manufacturers. In an industry made up of so many product sectors, Progressive Gifts & Home is the only publication that has its finger on the pulse of product and retailing trends and news within the multi-faceted gift industry. Published eight times a year Progressive Gifts & Home contains no ‘puff’ and is a totally editorially-led publication.

Progressive Housewares
Progressive Housewares The undisputed market leading magazine for the cookware and housewares industry. Published six times a year, Progressive Housewares is the favoured magazine for both the Cookware and Housewares Association (CHA) and BHETA, the manufacturers association.

Contract Publishing
As specialist publishers to most core product sectors, Max Publishing are often contracted to produce company literature, sector focuses, and specialist licensing publications to trade. With both the publishing experience and definitive address book for so many sectors, we are well placed to assist in getting the message across.