Matt Proulx, svp global experiences, partnerships and music at Hasbro, explains how music has bec
ToyTopic’s Ashley Holman discusses laying the foundations for 2026 and beyond, and rolling ou
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes explores how some retailers are really embracing things from a disp
D&D fans will be spoilt for choice when it comes to fashion over the com
It’s the theme of this week’s Brand Licensing Europe and, quite possibly, the sector wh
David Hutchinson, founder and ceo of LBE specialist The Path Entertainment, sits down with LicensingSource. talks to Philip Parker, head of commercial – GAME at Frasers Group, about work
Located side by side on the ground floor of Battersea Power Station and coverin
Marianne James, Hasbro VP licensed consumer products EMEA & Asia, on how the brand st