EXG Pro is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. But whether the company is reinvent
Pop culture lifestyle brand, Funko has partnered with Warner Bros. Discovery Global Consumer Products
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes spots a number of eye-catching window displays this week, which rea
YouTube group The Sidemen have opened a new SDMN Clothing store at Bullring and Gr
The range of TMNT-inspired clothing and boxing accessories will be a key focus of
LicensingSource gathers four senior execs from ViacomCBS Consumer Products to discuss business in their respect
Triclops Studio’s Luc Hudson on the dos & the don’ts when it comes to design.
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes picks some apparel highlights for adults, kids &, erm, dogs.
LIMA’s Martin Brochstein gives us a view into the health of the US market.