Licensing International’s Steve Manners on why anniversaries are so important and why they are wo
The Art of Museum Licensing panel at last month’s BLE saw representatives from the M
Start Licensing’s Ian Downes heads to The Big Christmas Press Show and discovers how licen
There are just 27 days until Brand Licensing Europe 2024 – the show’s 25th annivers
Ella Haynes, event director, and Lily Drennan, event manager, take us behind the scenes
Laura Freedman-Dagg, head of retail for Brand Licensing Europe and Licensing Expo, chats to LicensingSource.
In the first of a regular new series, Ella Haynes, BLE event director, takes
Our regular column shining a light on retail trends, sees Mary Lewis, retail manager
We’ll be back on Thursday 2 January 2025… until then, we round up some