As the company continues to celebrate turning 50, catches up with five WildBrain C
Elizabeth Litten Miller, vp franchise strategy at WildBrain, discusses how IP owners maintain a sentimen
WildBrain CPLG will represent the Peugeot brand globally across selected lifestyle categories including home
WildBrain has appointed licensing executive, Erin Morris to the newly created role of vice preside
Slawomir Ekiert, md CEE & Nordics at WildBrain CPLG, discusses both regions’ hottest properties,
Having rebranded its lifestyle division to further underline its importance to the business, the age
The Peanuts brand is partnering with Taiwan-based public art company, Blue Dragon Art on
The company continues to offer fans new ways to celebrate the weird and woeful wo
“A huge success”, “quality meetings”, “surpassed all our expectations”, “a positive consistent vibe”, “our m