Danger Mouse drivable Mark IV car revealed

Full-size replica is managed by Rainbow Productions for Fremantle Kids & Family.

A full-size drivable version of Danger Mouse’s Mark IV Danger Car has been created, and is currently appearing at CarFests across the UK.

The replica – which recently appeared at CarFest North at Bolesworth Castle, Cheshire – was created for FremantleMedia Kids & Family by the Ministry of Fun and will be managed by Rainbow Productions.

The car sports an interactive dashboard which plays Danger Mouse’s highly recognisable theme tune, and is scheduled to appear at a number of key events and retail activations over the coming months with the Danger Mouse costume character.

CarFest is the brainchild of TV presenter and car enthusiast Chris Evans and raises thousands of pounds for Children In Need. Such was the Danger Car’s popularity, it will now be speeding its way to CarFest South, Laverstoke Park Farm, Hampshire for the August Bank Holiday weekend.

Tessa Moore, svp global brand management at FMK, said: “We know the car is an iconic image from the series and our fantastic ratings for the show plus toy sales bear that out.

“We were excited to launch the ‘real’ model at such a high profile and well attended event and are looking forward to another fantastic weekend at CarFest South.”

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